Thursday, January 13, 2011

America, the Obese

I've been thinking about how our society is built for obesity and not health. Social gatherings center around food (football game night, movies and popcorn, dinners, lunch, birthday parties). Our schools serve junk and processed food and too many carbs (at least my schools did) without gym class or physical activities every day (especially true in high school). Things like soda, candy, etc. are sold in food aisles, even though they have little nutrition value. There's the constant lure of convenient, cheap, fast fast (whether at McDonalds or in the grocery store). We're all about convenience and our communities are designed (mostly) for cars instead of bikes or walking. Our portion sizes are horribly skewed (including my own). For example, a healthy portion of meat is the size of a package of playing cards - can you think of a restaurant that serves steak or chicken or hamburger patty anything that size? This really adds to the challenge of trying to make lifestyle changes for a healthier me.

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