Thursday, January 13, 2011

America, the Obese

I've been thinking about how our society is built for obesity and not health. Social gatherings center around food (football game night, movies and popcorn, dinners, lunch, birthday parties). Our schools serve junk and processed food and too many carbs (at least my schools did) without gym class or physical activities every day (especially true in high school). Things like soda, candy, etc. are sold in food aisles, even though they have little nutrition value. There's the constant lure of convenient, cheap, fast fast (whether at McDonalds or in the grocery store). We're all about convenience and our communities are designed (mostly) for cars instead of bikes or walking. Our portion sizes are horribly skewed (including my own). For example, a healthy portion of meat is the size of a package of playing cards - can you think of a restaurant that serves steak or chicken or hamburger patty anything that size? This really adds to the challenge of trying to make lifestyle changes for a healthier me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Checklist of recommended SO screening questions:

Checklist of recommended questions for screening a potential Significant Other (SO):
  1. Have you ever been convicted of a crime or been to jail?
  2. Are you addicted to any drugs, including caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine?
  3. Are you currently married?
  4. Are you currently in a committed monogamous relationship?
  5. Do you have children? If so, how many and what ages, do they live with you, is your baby mama crazy, how is your relationship with her?
  6. Are you employed in a legal non-sketchy profession?
  7. What STDs do you have?
  8. Where do you live?
  9. How many people are you currently dating? What is your definition of dating? What is your dating and relationship history?
  10. What makes you angry?
  11. Have you ever: gotten into a physical fight with SO, had the police called because of a fight with SO, gotten into a physical fight after the age of 22, or stolen anything after age 18?
  12. When was the last time you lied?
  13. How old are you?
  14. When is your birthday?
  15. What is your legal first and last name?
  16. Can I see your driver's license? (see if their info matches,and then run a criminal record check later with this information)
  17. What they are looking for/deal breakers.

Before becoming intimate with someone who you want to have a serious relationship with:
- know the answers to all these questions;
- see their place of residence;
- meet at least one friend/family member;
- wait at least one month.

Run fast if:
1. talk of marriage/engagement/love/h
aving babies comes up in the first month;
2. they keep showing up in different cars
3. they live somewhere illegal or refuse to show you where they live within 1 month
4. they want you to star in a "film"

5. their age/number of children keep changing
6. they don't have a driver's license, are over 18, and not living in New York City
7. they ask you for money before the month is up

Monday, January 10, 2011

Change Machines

My new bank (I moved several months ago) does not accept coins. I miss Wellsfargo (not in my new area) because every bank I used of theirs had a coin machine. I wish banks would get into this century and 1. process things quicker 2. get the machines where you can do deposits 3. get coin counters! 4. be open during lunch so people can use their lunch breaks to come in. While there may be benefits of the small-town, close during lunch, no coin machines, do everything by hand banks, I cannot think of any.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Weight Loss Motivation

  • Health - being obese is unhealthy
  • Self confidence - I would feel better lighter
  • Clubbing - confidence and actually look better
  • Keeping up with bf - he's really active
  • Promotion/Career - research shows that thinner/healthier people have more promotions
  • Plane seats - it was to the point where it was painful
  • Family
  • Less stress
  • Social Life
  • Hiking

My Health Goals

· Nutrition:

o Log food/drinks every day in CC/PT/ notebook

§ If electronic is skipped, add CC and PT logs later

§ Record with meal categories

§ Record meal times?

o Calories per day – 1400 optimal, up to 1700 allowable

o Drinks – avoid empty cals – allowable drinks include:

§ Water - record daily on PT

§ Coffee - 2 thermos per work day with creamer
• Cut back to 1 eventually
• 1 cup of mocha cappuccino on non-work days

§ 100% juice – one per day max (counts as fruit)

§ Alcohol in order of preference – one per day
• Red wine is best,
• blush,
• white wine
• Honey mead (half bottle)

o Fruits and Veggies: log on PT every day, count on Sunday

§ 2 cup fruits per day

§ 2 - 3 cups veggies per day


o Nutrition Grade – report Sunday on PT

§ B+ nutrition for 4 weeks every day on CC

§ A nutrition every day on CC

o Money

§ $70 on eating out per month

§ $120 on groceries per month

o Vitamins:

§ Take a multi vitamin every day

§ Watch Vitamin D, vitamin B, Fiber, Iron, Potassium

o Portioned snacks

o Colorful foods

o Watch desserts

§ 3 bite rule

§ Occasional treat when needed – single servings, healthy choices

o Healthy yummy foods:

§ Proteins: Hummus, Turkey, Fish, Chicken, Eggs, Nuts, yogurt

§ Vegetables: especially Beans

§ Fruit: especially Avocados, blueberries

§ Carbs: Brown rice, WW spaghetti, WW fiber cereal, Oatmeal

§ Other: Enriched almond, enriched rice milk, Slim fast

· Exercise: Record daily on CC/PT

o Strength:

§ 2 weekly 15-20 minute weight lifting sessions

· 1 set each of 9 exercises per session
• Arms, Crunches, Arms, Lunges, Arms, Squats, Arms, Pushups, Arms

§ TV workout (less than 10 hours per week): every commercial

· 25 squats, 25 pushups, 25 jumping jacks

§ Cardio:

· Workout 4 times a week for 30 minutes

· 10000 steps per day – get outside every day

· Classes (they also incorporate strength training)

· Weight: Weigh self and log at least 3 times per week on CC, record
Friday and Sunday on PT, measure on Sunday and log on PT

o Lose 1-2 pounds per week (deficit of at least 1000 calories per day)

o Weight Milestones:

§ 235 lbs – August 2010

§ 221 lbs - November 21, 2010 - Started Peer Trainer

§ 218 lbs – December 2, 2010

§ 215 lbs – December 15 2010

§ 209 lbs – New Years Eve (goal was 210!!)

§ 205 lbs- January 2011 - 30 lbs! (1 year from this date – NWLR)- Nick Minaj CD

§ 200 lbs - February 2011 – comforter

§ Under 200 – February 2011 – new scale

§ 195 lbs - February 24 2011 - Show off -40 lbs at friend’s Wedding and Dexter Weekend; Weight when started CC in 2007

§ 190 lbs – March 2011 - Post Russia weight!

§ 185 lbs – June 2011 - 50 pounds! – no longer obese BMI!

§ 180 lbs – July 17 2011 - 55 lbs by my 23rd birthday

§ 175 lbs – August 2011- 60 lbs!

§ 170 lbs – August 2011 - 65 lbs! High school weight

§ 165 – September 2011 - Goal weight!!! - 70 lbs – new clothes!

· Go to doctor to decide if 155-160 = normal BMI

· Develop weight maintenance plan

o Other Milestones

§ Weight trend decrease on CC – got it!!

§ No more back fat!

§ Fit into my blue dress

§ Fit into plant seat comfortably – already making progress!!

§ Fit into ALL my pants

· Size 16

· Size 14

· Size 12 GOAL

§ Normal BMI

The Brief Guide to Life

I found this on the internet and someone's fridge and found it very motivating:

the brief guide

less TV, more reading
less shopping, more outdoors
less clutter, more space
less rush, more slowness
less consuming, more creating
less junk, more real food
less busywork, more impact
less driving, more walking
less noise, more solitude
less focus on the future, more on the present
less work, more play
less worry, more smiles

Alan Tudyk

This really doesn't have anything to do with being young, fit, or financially free. But it is something I've been thinking about. I'm a big Joss Whedon fan and he often "recycles" actors between his productions. One of the actors he has used in several different works is Alan Tudyk.

Alan Tudyk is a very talented, and pretty prolific actor. His biggest/most famous works include the Pirate from Dodgeball; Wash – Serenity and Firefly; Wat – Knight’s Tale; Alpha – Dollhouse; the voice of Sonny from I, Robot. Besides a successful Broadway career, he's also had smaller parts in pretty big movies: 28 days, Knocked up, 3:10 to Yuma, Death at a Funeral, Patch Adams, Ice Age:The meltdown. He has had guest appearances on CSI, Arrested Development, V, and Fraiser. I feel like most Americans would recognize him. However, his name is not a household name. He does not appear on tabloid magazines (although this may be a blessing for him).

Which leads me into my question: What determines fame? What decides if people will become a household name or not? Is it their manager? Is it someone holding up all the puppets of Hollywood? Why are people (Kardashians, Girls Next Door, Paris Hilton) famous for being famous? Do you have to pay to get into the public view?

Giving away 10%

One of my goals this year is to give away 10% of my income, or about $204 a month. I did this in December and I immediately felt a lot less stressed about my financial situation. I started doing some research on charities, but then felt overwhelmed. I decided on donating to causes that are directly related to my life or that I've been involved in or that have helped me before. These include:
1. Zeta Chi Phi Multicultural Sorority Incorporated - my college sorority, probably my best college experience, and I want to support the women in the organization so they can have that experience as well.
2. Planned Parenthood - I know so many women who use PP for annual exams, testing, and birth control. And I've gone for my annual exam before when I didn't have health insurance coverage.
3. My church. It also donates to causes that I would like to support like Christian Peacemaker teams.
4. The Diversity Center at my college
5. Russian club at my college
6. My local library
7. The library where I grew up
8. People Incorporated of SWVA - they help people in this area in a variety of areas including job development and head start. I volunteered for them a couple summers ago.
9 & 10 - two local food banks that I found on charity navigator
12. OYE - an organization in Honduras that I volunteered for when I was younger.

Freezer Wars

My roommate and I are struggling with our freezer. She usually takes up most of the refrigerator (still is using half even though she’s been gone for a month...). I typically use more of the freezer. Although that’s debatable since she uses both door drawers and at least ¼ of the freezer and I am a more efficient freezer-packer than she. She texted me to ask me to clear out the freezer so she could bring food home from her vacation. I understand why she wants to – she wants to bring Vietnamese food home that she can’t get around here and free parent food. However, why do I have to sacrifice my half of the freezer? I batch cook so I have some meal sized containers in the freezer. I also have frozen vegetables that I bought on sale. I could bring some things over to my brother’s freezer (if he has space and will allow it), but I’m being stubborn. I need to decide if this is actually a battle I want to have or not. I'm not very good at living with others and sharing space. I'm a Cancer and am very territorial about my home space. I know this is a good experience for me because living with others is a valuable skill, but I still don't want to move out my stuff!!!